About Us

A Message From ACN: 

ACN was created with the idea that through collaborative news reporting the most accurate and compelling news can be delivered to the public and be truly effective. We believe that everyone comes from a unique background and when properly applied those experiences and that knowledge one garner's can be used to influence others. Each of our authors bring something to the reporting table. ACN will utilize their unique talents and interests to provide a wide ranging report everyday of what's making headlines all over the world. What really sets us apart from other news organizations like CNN, Fox News, ABC, and beyond is that ACN is accountable and honest. Most major news organizations are owned by a major corporation or figure with a vested interest in a political party. While our reporters have their political affiliations the manner in which they report, as well as information is brought to you allows the reader to develop their own conclusions. We provide comprehensive and contrasting comparisons on the day's news. This is something that, due to the nature of their business, other organizations have struggled to do.
What really makes ACN work though is the continued support and input offered by our readers. It's our firm belief that the more people who contribute the better this project will be. There are many ways to contribute to ACN. The first and most obvious is by commenting on reports. Let us know what your thoughts are on the story, the reporting, or perhaps a reference to a similar article. The next way you can contribute is by becoming an author. The only requirement is you promise to deliver accurate and interesting articles. These can be articles that are of interest to you or of interest to your friends and families. 
We do better when we work as a team. That's what ACN is: a team. A team in search of recapturing the integrity of journalism that has been lost with the advent of the 24/7 news cycle. Together this can be achieved. 

 Our Authors:

  • Matt Zieminski
  • Josh Copitch
  • Jillian Kern
  • James Kemp
  • George Davis
  • Chiem Saechao

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