Beyonce Knowles has been under fire recently in the media and on social networks for having lip-synced the National Anthem during President Barack Obama's Inauguration. Today she gave a lyrical slap in the face to her critics.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
60 Volt Shocks, Restraints, Isolation Rooms, Duffel Bags Used To Restrain Children...IN SCHOOLS
ABC News is reporting tonight on a series of schools across the country that have used a combination or variety of 60 volt shock treatment, restraints, isolation rooms, and duffel bags to restrain children including those with disabilities such as autism.
According to ABC there are NO national standards on punishments and/or restraints used on school children including those with behavior disabilities. Only 17/50 states have laws that restrict such treatment.
Applebee's Fires Waitress For Social Media "Tipping" Fiasco
The waitress in question has been identified only as Chelsea and she has informed Reddit today that she was fired by Applebee's for the ensuing firestorm that is sweeping across social media outlets in recent days.
At Applebee's, along with most other dining establishments, when your party consists of 8 or more people the register automatically adds a 18% gratuity to the bill. It also leaves an option for any additional tip. On the 18% gratuity the customer scratched out the $6.29 tip and wrote 0 in the additional tip area.
Shortly after the picture was posted angered users began investigating the story. Chelsea explained to The Consumerist that she originally posted the image as a "lighthearted joke" and didn't intend for anyone to find the customer, or to contact Applebee's. However when she posted the image she failed to redact the signature thus allowing users who were investigating to discern the pastor's name and later his address and phone number. Chelsea claims she failed to hide the signature because to her it was illegible.
“I had already started receiving messages containing Facebook profile links and blogs and websites, asking me to confirm the identity of the customer,” she recalled. “I refused to confirm any of them, and all of them were incorrect. I worked with the website moderators to remove any personal information. I wanted to protect the identity of both my fellow server and the customer. I had no intention of starting a witch hunt or hurting anyone — I just wanted to share a picture I found interesting.”On Wednesday the pastor contacted Applebee's and demanded that the waitress as well as the managers at the restaurant be terminated immediatelyRaw Story (
“When I posted this, I didn’t represent Applebee’s in a bad light,” Chelsea explained. “In fact, I didn’t represent them at all. I did my best to protect the identity of all parties involved. I didn’t break any specific guidelines in the company handbook — I checked.”
“But because this person got embarrassed that their selfishness was made public, Applebee’s has made it clear that they would rather lose a dedicated employee than lose an angry customer. That’s a policy I can’t understand.”Chelsea also added that she was "utterly baffled" that someone would connect Christian tithing to tips that wait staff rely on to pay their bills.
“I’ve been stiffed on tips before, but this is the first time I’ve seen the Big Man has been used as reasoning,” she said. “If this person wrote the note, obviously they wanted it seen by someone… It’s strange to me that now that the audience is wider than just the server, the person is now ashamed.”The pastor has been revealed by Redditors to be Pastor Alois Bell. Bell has since released a statement apologizing for the firestorm:
“My heart is really broken,” said the 37-year-old Bell. “I’ve brought embarrassment to my church and ministry.”The January 25 meal came after an evening service at the Truth in the Word Deliverance Ministries church, said Bell, who added that five adults and five children were in the group that dined at Applebee’s (a traditional post-service destination for church members). The subsequent bill was divided up amongst the parties.
Bell, seen above, said her notation on the receipt was a “lapse in judgment that has been blown out of proportion.” Despite scratching out the tip added to the bill, Bell claimed that she left a $6 tip in cash, adding that she subsequently discovered the 18 percent gratuity had been charged to her credit card.
Get Bad Grades? No Food For You!
Sounds like something out of some distopian English novel right? Actually it's a bill making it's way through the Tennessee State Legislature.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures about half of the state legislatures in the country now have a veto-proof majority. This broader tier of powerful one-party governments can enact their visions without need for compromise or concern about interference. In California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Delaware, Alabama and Georgia there are a full "super-majority." Regardless of party this is never a good circumstance, for the aforementioned reasons: you don't need the opposition's approval to pass legislation and thus the democratic system is ruled useless.
Our story lies within Tennessee where state republicans, led by Stacey Campfield have introduced State Bill 0132 that:
This isn't Campfield's first rodeo when it comes to controversial legislation. In 2011 he gained national attention when he introduced SB0049 that in summary bans the use or teaching of materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality in public schools grades K-8. It was titled the "Don't Say Gay" bill by the media. When Del Shores, producer of "Queer As Folk" offered to debate Campfield on the bill he responded by saying he wanted to be paid $1,000 to do so.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures about half of the state legislatures in the country now have a veto-proof majority. This broader tier of powerful one-party governments can enact their visions without need for compromise or concern about interference. In California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Delaware, Alabama and Georgia there are a full "super-majority." Regardless of party this is never a good circumstance, for the aforementioned reasons: you don't need the opposition's approval to pass legislation and thus the democratic system is ruled useless.
Our story lies within Tennessee where state republicans, led by Stacey Campfield have introduced State Bill 0132 that:
"requires the reduction of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) payments for parents or caretakers of TANF recipients whose children fail to maintain satisfactory progress in school."In other words if you're getting welfare payments and your first grader flunks those payments will diminish or end.
This isn't Campfield's first rodeo when it comes to controversial legislation. In 2011 he gained national attention when he introduced SB0049 that in summary bans the use or teaching of materials on human sexuality other than heterosexuality in public schools grades K-8. It was titled the "Don't Say Gay" bill by the media. When Del Shores, producer of "Queer As Folk" offered to debate Campfield on the bill he responded by saying he wanted to be paid $1,000 to do so.
"I will happily debate you. I require a $1,000.00 (sic) retainer fee and all expenses covered. You can do with the rest all you want."What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comment section.
Americans Shocked To Learn There Isn't Actually A Social Security Crisis
AP |
Seventy-three years ago today, the first Social Security checks went out to beneficiaries. The anniversary comes at a difficult time for the program. It narrowly escaped a cut floated by the Obama administration in the fiscal cliff negotiations that would have reduced cost-of-living increases going forward. While it’s not in danger anytime soon, it does have a 75-year funding shortfall, one which has even advocates like Nobel laureate economist Peter Diamond calling for its finances to be shored up.
So the National Academy of Social Insurance hired the marketing firm Matthew Greenwald & Associates to conduct a survey of a random sample of Americans to see how they’d like to see that shortfall closed. The survey used a technique called “trade-off analysis” to see which elements of a potential deal made respondents more or less likely to support it. So if a package with spending cuts and tax increases gets a certain amount of support, and a package with just tax increases gets another amount, you can then analyze those results to figure out the response to spending cut proposals. The survey also explained policies before asking for respondents’ opinions, to avoid getting responses that were basically arbitrary.
CES Tells CNET: You're Fired!
Registered CNET |
At the 2013 CES convention, CNET's editorial staff loved the Dish Hopper DVR and nominated it "Best in Show." That journalistic decision was quickly tossed out, however, by the legal department at CBS, CNET's corporate parent. CBS is involved in litigation against Dish over the Hopper.
The censoring of CNET's decision has produced a fair bit of fallout for CBS already. The company has been criticized in many quarters for silencing its journalists. Greg Sandoval, a well-known writer for CNET, even left the company, saying he was concerned that his employer didn't respect editorial independence.
Now, CES itself has put out a press release slamming CNET's behavior and announcing that CNET won't be allowed to produce the "Best of CES" awards anymore. Those awards are produced by CNET under contract with the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), which puts on CES. CEA said it will work to identify a new partner to run the Best of CES awards.
"We are shocked that the ‘Tiffany’ network which is known for its high journalistic standards would bar all its reporters from favorably describing classes of technology the network does not like," said CEA President Gary Shapiro in the statement.
Shapiro went on to express his view that a time- and space-shifting technology like the Dish Hopper is protected by the famous "Betamax" decision which legalized the VCR. "We believe that the Dish Hopper DVR is fully covered by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios Inc.," said Shapiro. "The simple fact is making television easier to watch is not against the law. It is simply pro-innovation and pro-consumer."
Shapiro had even stronger words for CBS in an op-ed published yesterday in USA Today.
"CBS ... will never be viewed again as pristine," wrote Shapiro. "The ethical media rule is that corporate business interests should never interfere in journalism—or at least not so blatantly, publicly, and harmfully. It made me wonder if 60 Minutes had ever suffered the same treatment."
Breaking: North Korea Decrees Martial Law
AP/Getty Images |
The martial law may be a precursor to a nuclear test, Korea JoongAng Dailyreported. Kim has said the test will take place sometime between now and Tuesday, the paper says.
The announcement came after Kim held an emergency meeting of his top defense and security officials on Saturday, the Telegraph reported.
The Morning Report -- Thursday January 31, 2013
Economic Jitters vs Obama Agenda -- Hagel Faces Critics -- Debt Limit To Be Cleared -- Families Priced Out of Health Overhaul
WASHINGTON (AP) - Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is elbowing its way back into prominence. Consumer confidence is falling, the economy is contracting and large automatic spending cuts are threatening to hit the Pentagon and other programs, with uncertain consequences. These troubles arise as Obama's public approval is improving and as he begins to use his sway to promote the key features of his second-term agenda. The White House, the Federal Reserve and independent economists attributed the shrinkage in gross domestic product and the drop in consumer confidence to one-time events and said underlying economic factors were still showing encouraging signs.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama's nominee for defense secretary, is facing GOP critics who have challenged his past comments on Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons. The former two-term senator from Nebraska is the lone witness at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday that could be crucial in determining whether he will win Senate confirmation to succeed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in Obama's second-term national security team. Two former committee chairmen - Democrat Sam Nunn and Republican John Warner - will introduce the nominee.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate is poised to permit the government to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars more to meet its obligations, putting off one Washington showdown even as others loom in coming weeks. The measure would suspend the $16.4 trillion limit on federal borrowing through May 18, allowing about $450 billion in new debt to be added to the federal ledger, according to an estimate by the Bipartisan Policy Center
WASHINGTON (AP) - Some families could get priced out of health insurance due to what's being called a glitch in President Barack Obama's overhaul law. IRS regulations issued Wednesday failed to fix the problem as liberal backers of the president's plan had hoped. As a result, some families that can't afford the employer coverage that they are offered on the job will not be able to get financial assistance from the government to buy private health insurance on their own. How many people will be affected is unclear.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Obamacare Saves Money
Florida Governor Rick Scott has claimed that Obamacare will cost the state millions of dollars. But now, the first detailed study of the costs show that rather than costing the state money, it will actually save money. $300 million in the first year alone.
Read more here:
Obamacare will be especially important in Florida, where 30% of non-elderly adults are uninsured, compared to 18% nationwide. Plus, the implementation of Obamacare will create 56,000 jobs.
Florida would save money over the next decade — not lose billions as Gov. Rick Scott has argued — by accepting Medicaid expansion under federal healthcare reforms, according to a detailed economic study.
Miami-Dade legislators and healthcare industry leaders, getting together on Monday, heard about the report by Georgetown University — the most positive yet on a highly debated provision of what is often called Obamacare.
Jack Hoadley, a senior researcher with the Georgetown Health Policy Institute, said the study was the first to calculate spin-off savings in other state programs if Florida accepted the expansion, which over the next 10 years could bring $26 billion in federal funds to provide insurance to an estimated 815,000 to 1.3 million Florida residents who are now uninsured.
Read more here:
Jailbreaking: How Do You Do It?
Just a short time ago it was announced that a jailbreak for Apple's iOS 6.1 is coming soon. While the details on said jailbreak are few we do know that it will be compatible with devices running A5 chip software (iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad Mini, etc). However for many newcomers to the Apple game there are still a lot of questions surrounding the pending jailbreak. What is a jailbreak? How does one acquire this? Is it free? What can I do with jailbroken devices? Although ACN surely cannot answer all of your questions we hope to tackle some of the most obvious ones. Let's continue with how does one acquire a jailbreak?
To begin your path towards jailbreaking your phone you first have to know a few technical details
To begin your path towards jailbreaking your phone you first have to know a few technical details
- What model is your phone?
- i.e. Apple iPhone 4, Apple iPad 2, etc
- What iOS are you running?
- iOS 6.0, iOS 6.0.5, iOS 6.1, etc
Once you have this information you simply navigate to and click the button that corresponds to the appropriate operating system your computer is running. Follow the prompts, download the necessary program (likely Redsn0w) and plug in your phone. Follow the instructions to put your phone in reset mode and allow the program to work it's magic. Simple enough.
This has been a continuation on our series: Jailbreaking. In future segments we will discuss: Is it free? What can you do with jailbroken devices? As more questions and concerns arise we will likewise provide answers to them in an appropriate manner. Please feel free to comment with your thoughts and/or questions concerning Jailbreaking.
The U.S. Border Is More Secure Than Ever Before
From Think Progress:
The bipartisan framework for immigration reform proposed by a bipartisan group of 8 senators would provide 11 million undocumented immigrants with a pathway to citizenship only "upon securing the border and combating visa overstays." The plan establishes a commission of border state governors and other officials to monitor security measures and increases the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), surveillance equipment, and agents at the border. Once the Department of Homeland Security meets its enforcement targets, undocumented immigrants will be able to earn green cards and eventually achieve citizenship.
And while security can be enhanced, the U.S. has more resources deployed than ever before and illegal border crossings have dropped dramatically:
The bipartisan framework for immigration reform proposed by a bipartisan group of 8 senators would provide 11 million undocumented immigrants with a pathway to citizenship only "upon securing the border and combating visa overstays." The plan establishes a commission of border state governors and other officials to monitor security measures and increases the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), surveillance equipment, and agents at the border. Once the Department of Homeland Security meets its enforcement targets, undocumented immigrants will be able to earn green cards and eventually achieve citizenship.
And while security can be enhanced, the U.S. has more resources deployed than ever before and illegal border crossings have dropped dramatically:
– Billions spent on enforcement: The U.S. spent $18 billion on immigration enforcement in the 2012 fiscal year, which is more than every other federal law enforcement agency combined.– Border crossings are at 40-year low: At the same time, illegal border crossings have dropped to their lowest level since the Nixon administration, and net undocumented migration is at or below zero. Meanwhile, annual deportations at a historic high.– Most parts of the border are already secure: Even with fewer people apprehended at the border, border agents now patrol every single mile of the border every day. The vast majority of the border already meets one of Homeland Security’s highest standards of security, and there are 21,370 agents, along with six unmanned aircraft systems.
The ACLU has also warned that the existing lack of “meaningful accountability and oversight” over Border Patrol actions has contributed to “cases of blatant human rights violations, such as 19 or more uses of “lethal force”’ since January 2010.
The senators expect the border commission to play an advisory role in determining the enforcement of the border security provisions, though Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said that the “commission’s recommendation will be a central component” to certifying if security is adequate and immigrants can begin achieving permanent legal statuses.
Majorette Who Performed At Inauguration Fatally Shot
A 15-year-old majorette who performed at some of President Barack Obama's recent inauguration festivities has been shot to death in Chicago.
Police say Hadiya Pendleton was shot in the back Tuesday in a South Side park and died at a city hospital.
Authorities say Hadiya was one of about 12 teenagers sheltering from heavy rain under a canopy when a man jumped a fence, ran toward the group and opened fire. The man fled the scene in a vehicle. No arrests have been made.
More Than A Quarter Of Americans Believe God Chooses Winners Of Sporting Events
Reuters |
With millions of Americans set to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, a new survey finds more than a quarter of Americans believe that God "plays a role in determining which team wins" at sports events.
The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute also found that more than half of Americans believe "God rewards athletes who have faith with good health and success."
"In an era where professional sports are driven by dollars and statistics," said institute CEO Robert P. Jones, "significant numbers of Americans see a divine hand at play."
Hillary Clinton To Write Second Memoir
Reuters |
Hillary Clinton plans to write a memoir once she steps down as Secretary of State, she said at a global town hall Tuesday.
Although her immediate plans involve “catching up on about 20 years of sleep deprivation,” Clinton said she does plan to write a book.
“I don’t know what I will say in it yet,” she said.
A memoir would be her second. Her first, “Living History," was released in 2003.
Clinton also mentioned that her biggest regret from her job was “certainly, the loss of lives in Benghazi.” But she says she will leave her job with “far more positive memories.”
Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder'
Senator Graham offered his harsh assessment of her performance.
“Hillary Clinton got away with murder in my view. She said they had a clear-eyed view of the threats. How could you have a clear-eyed view of the threats in Benghazi when you didn’t know about the ambassador’s cable coming back from Libya?” the South Carolina Republican told host Greta Van Susteren Monday on “On The Record”.
“Our guys tried to ask questions, she is very good on her feet, deflecting the questions. But she said two things that will come back to haunt her, they had a clear-eyed assessment of the threats in Libya, and they had close contact with the Libyan government. I don’t believe either one of them,” the lawmaker added.
Hillary: "I Don't See Myself Getting Back Into Politics"
Reuters |
"I'm not even posing those questions. I am really looking forward to stepping off the fast track that I've been on. I've been out of politics as Secretary of State. I don't see myself getting back into politics," she said, according to an excerpt of the interview.
NRA's LaPierre Senate Testimony Based On Bad Math
AP |
According to the NRA that claim is based on Center for Disease Control data of fatal injury reports. What the NRA doesn't say is that the NRA's lobbying efforts have helped defund the CDC by about 96 percent since the mid-1990s.
In fact, the CDC explicitly warns on its page of fatal injury reports that data from 1999 and after cannot be compared to years prior:
Note: The coding of mortality data changed significantly in 1999, so you may not be able to compare number of deaths and death rates from 1998 and before with data from 1999 and after.
Read more:
Mark Kelly Unmasks Wayne LaPierre
Associated Press |
Mark Kelly, husband of Gabrielle Giffords, revealed the NRA position on guns for the sham that it is, as Greg Sargent notes. LaPierre’s argument that that there’s no need to expand background checks because criminals won’t cooperate was shot down,as Kelly testified:
The Tuscon shooter was an admitted drug user. He was rejected from the U.S. Army because of his drug use. He was clearly mentally ill. And when he purchased that gun in November, his plan was to assassinate my wife and commit mass murder at that Safeway in Tucson. He was a criminal. Because of his drug use, and because of what he was planning on doing. But because of these gaps in the mental health system, in this case, those 121,000 records, I admit did not include a record on him. But it could have.
And if it did, he would have failed that background check. he would have likely gone to a gun show, or a private seller, and avoided that background check. But if we close that gun show loophole, if we require private sellers to complete a background check, and we get those 121,000 records and others into the systems, we will prevent gun crime. That is an absolute truth. It would have happened in Tucson. My wife would not have been sitting here today if we had stronger background checks.
President Obama’s popularity surges to three-year high
According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll Obama's approval rating has reached a new three-year high with 60% of respondents saying they have a favorable opinion of Obama. This means he much be reaching across the isle since only 51% say they approved of his inaugural address.
When looked at with more detail, 39% had a strongly favorable opinion of Obama and 21% were "somewhat". When it comes to registered voters only 56% of those asked approved of Obama, while 42% disapproved. Obama’s favorable ratings have climbed by double digits since last year among liberals, racial minorities and people under age 40. Among each group, at least two-thirds now see Obama positively. You can see the rest of the breakdown in the link above, breaking it down by sex, race, income, etc.
The Post-ABC poll was conducted Jan. 23 to 27 among a random national sample of 1,022 adults.
When looked at with more detail, 39% had a strongly favorable opinion of Obama and 21% were "somewhat". When it comes to registered voters only 56% of those asked approved of Obama, while 42% disapproved. Obama’s favorable ratings have climbed by double digits since last year among liberals, racial minorities and people under age 40. Among each group, at least two-thirds now see Obama positively. You can see the rest of the breakdown in the link above, breaking it down by sex, race, income, etc.
The Post-ABC poll was conducted Jan. 23 to 27 among a random national sample of 1,022 adults.
Israel Stikes Syria
About a 8 hours ago Israeli jets bombed a convoy on Syria's border with Lebanon. The target was trucks filled with arms headed to Lebanon from Syria. At the time it was unsure whether or not it was officially inside the border of Syria. This incident was being painted as a warning and a message to
Syria and Hezbollah not to engage in the transfer of powerful weapons.
But very recently Syria has stated that Israeli jets crossed into Syria below the radar level at dawn and hit a military research center in Jamraya, near Damascus.
"Israeli fighter jets violated our airspace at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research centre in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defence,"[sic] the army's general command said in a statement carried by state news agency SANA on Wednesday evening.
Aljazeera is reporting that Israel and the US have both declined to comment on the recent events. Also, Lebanon is reporting a a large increase in Israeli jets and patrols on their borders with Israel.
More of that report can be found at AlJazeera
Syria and Hezbollah not to engage in the transfer of powerful weapons.
But very recently Syria has stated that Israeli jets crossed into Syria below the radar level at dawn and hit a military research center in Jamraya, near Damascus.
"Israeli fighter jets violated our airspace at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research centre in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defence,"[sic] the army's general command said in a statement carried by state news agency SANA on Wednesday evening.
Aljazeera is reporting that Israel and the US have both declined to comment on the recent events. Also, Lebanon is reporting a a large increase in Israeli jets and patrols on their borders with Israel.
More of that report can be found at AlJazeera
New iPad: 128 GB
Photo: gizmag |
Here is the official release given by Apple:
CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today announced a 128GB* version of the fourth generation iPad® with Retina® display. The 128GB iPad with Wi-Fi and iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular models provide twice the storage capacity of the 64GB models to hold even more valuable content including photos, documents, projects, presentations, books, movies, TV shows, music and apps.“Our AutoCAD WS app for iOS was designed to give customers seamless access to their designs anywhere, anytime”“With more than 120 million iPads sold, it’s clear that customers around the world love their iPads, and everyday they are finding more great reasons to work, learn and play on their iPads rather than their old PCs,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “With twice the storage capacity and an unparalleled selection of over 300,000 native iPad apps, enterprises, educators and artists have even more reasons to use iPad for all their business and personal needs.”iPad continues to have a significant impact on business with virtually all of the Fortune 500 and over 85 percent of the Global 500 currently deploying or testing iPad. Companies regularly utilizing large amounts of data such as 3D CAD files, X-rays, film edits, music tracks, project blueprints, training videos and service manuals all benefit from having a greater choice of storage options for iPad. The over 10 million iWork® users, and customers who rely on other incredible apps like Global Apptitude for analyzing team film and creating digital playbooks, Auria for an incredible 48 track recording system, or AutoCAD for drafting architectural and engineering drawings, also benefit greatly from having the choice of an iPad with more storage capacity.
“Our AutoCAD WS app for iOS was designed to give customers seamless access to their designs anywhere, anytime,” said Amy Bunszel, vice president of AutoCAD products for Autodesk. “These files are often large and highly detailed so having the thin and light iPad with its Multitouch display, integrated camera and all-day battery life, is a real advantage for iPad users to view, edit and share their AutoCAD data.”“The features and capabilities of iPad give us the ability to set a new standard for multitrack recording and editing on a mobile device,” said Rim Buntinas, WaveMachine Labs’ CEO. “Users of the Auria app can play 48 mono or stereo 24bit/96 kHz tracks simultaneously, record up to 24 of those tracks simultaneously, and also edit and mix with familiar tools. With its portability and all-day battery life, iPad has revolutionized recording for audio professionals allowing artists to record anywhere.”“The bottom line for our customers is winning football games, and iPad running our GamePlan solution unquestionably helps players be as prepared as possible,” said Randall Fusee, Global Apptitude Co-Founder. “The iPad’s unbeatable combination of security, being thin and light, having an incredible Retina display and also being powerful enough to handle large amounts of data enables us to deliver a product that takes film study to a new level and ultimately gives our users the best opportunity to prepare, execute and win.”The fourth generation iPad features a gorgeous 9.7-inch Retina display, Apple-designed A6X chip, FaceTime® HD camera, iOS 6.1 and ultrafast wireless performance**. iOS 6.1 includes support for additional LTE networks around the world***, and iTunes Match℠ subscribers can download individual songs to their iOS devices from iCloud®.
iPad runs over 800,000 apps available on the App Store℠, including more than 300,000 apps designed specifically for iPad, from a wide range of categories including books, games, business, news, sports, health, reference and travel. iPad also supports the more than 5,000 newspapers and magazines offered in Newsstand, and the more than 1.5 million books available on the iBookstore℠.Pricing & Availability
The new 128GB versions of the fourth generation iPad will be available starting Tuesday, February 5, in black or white, for a suggested retail price of $799 (US) for the iPad with Wi-Fi model and $929 (US) for the iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular model. All versions of the 128GB iPad will be sold through the Apple Online Store (, Apple retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.
The Morning Report -- Wednesday January 30, 2013
Twinkies Saved? -- Home Prices Surge -- Consumer Confidence Collapses -- No More NFL? -- LaHood Leaves Obama Cabinet -- Senate Confirms Kerry -- Should The Queen Retire? -- Fox News Crashes -- Man Kidnaps Child, AL
AP |
The assets include some facilities, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the process is private. The offer becomes the so-called stalking horse for an auction of the cakes business, meaning it sets the standard that other suitors have to beat. Hostess’s cake products include CupCakes, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos.
Home prices rose in November, climbing more than 5 percent from a year ago, in the biggest increase since August 2006, when the housing market was just starting to collapse.
A separate economic report issued Tuesday, on consumer confidence in the United States, held less encouraging data, with moods falling to their lowest level in more than a year as Americans grew more pessimistic about the economic outlook and their financial prospects. In the latest sign that the housing sector is on the mend, the Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas gained 0.6 percent in November, on a seasonally adjusted basis, in line with economists’ forecasts.
NEW ORLEANS - Bernard Pollard is known for hard hits (just ask the New England Patriots), and he leveled one at the NFL this week when he predicted the league wouldn't be around in 30 years, because the crackdown on ferocious hits will turn off fans.
On Tuesday, at Super Bowl XLVII media day, the Baltimore Ravens safety didn't back down.
"There's a car crash every play," he said. "Those helmets are popping, those pads are hitting. This is a grown man's game.
"I stand by what I said. I'm entitled to my own opinion. I play this game. I understand this game. For me, growing up, to see where the game has gone from then to now, it's a very special game, but it's changing."
AP |
"I love this job. It's the best job I've ever had in government, in public service," LaHood said in a Detroit News interview Tuesday, noting he made the tough decision after talking to his wife of 45 years.
"It's time for me to move on," said LaHood, 67. "I do it with some reluctance and a great deal of satisfaction."
AP |
“Sen. Kerry has a long history of liberal positions that are not consistent with a majority of Texans,” said Cornyn spokesman Drew Brandewie.
Kerry stood on the Senate floor as his colleagues voted on his confirmation. Kerry himself voted "present."
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands announced Monday that she would be stepping down in April to allow her son to take the throne, but don't expect Queen Elizabeth do to the same, experts say.
Beatrix, who turns 75 on Thursday, took to Dutch television to announce her abdication in favour of her eldest son, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, 45.
At the end of each month, cable news ratings are released to the public. And, like clockwork, Fox News dominates the top 13 or so programs, far outstripping its competitors.
January was ... a little different. To be sure, everything is relative in cable news: Fox News still had nine out of the top 10 programs. It has spent 11 consecutive years as the top-rated cable news channel. Its 6 a.m. show drew almost double the ratings of CNN's top-ranking prime time show.
AP |
The Dale County Sheriff told WBMA-TV
that the suspect shot the driver in Midland City several times after he refused to let the child off the bus Tuesday afternoon. The driver later died of his wounds.
It is unclear how many other students were aboard the bus at the time, though
reports that several children on the bus witnessed the man shoot the driver take the young boy away.
Fox News,
Guns In America,
John Kerry,
Stock Market,
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The Wolf Man
Reuters |
See pictures of The Wolf Man from The Atlantic at
"Obama Gun Control" Is Being Ignored
At least that's what 90 Sheriffs and two Sheriff Associations have pledged to do.
Last week, Reason's Ed Krayewski noted that a handful of sheriffs around the country had pledged to ignore new gun regulations being pushed by President Obama. If Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack is to be believed, the number of sheriffs who are now refusing to enforce new federal gun regulations is up to 90.
"Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken," Mack wrote on the site for the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). "I applaud these public servants for their courage and conviction. I would encourage other Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers to add their voices to the growing numbers of faithful protectors of our freedom."
Apple Trademarked It's Retail Design
From The Verge: The US Patent and Trademark Office has approved Apple's request to trademark the design and layout of its iconic retail stores — stores that other US companies have tried in recent years to imitate. Apple had to fight to get its store trademark, with the patent office rejecting Apple's request twice. In the second rejection, the USPTO said that Apple's design wasn't "inherently distinctive," prompting Apple to file a 122-page document arguing its case, complete with consumer surveys and photos of its storefronts.
It's important to note that trademarks aren't like patents; the standard for trade dress infringement is the "likelihood of confusion" of what the source of a trademarked item is. In other words, if a company designs a store that consumers confuse for an Apple store, they could be liable for trade dress infringement. Microsoft requested two extensions of time with the USPTO to consider opposing the patent, but didn't follow-through.
The trademark covers Apple's use of a "paneled facade" of glass, recessed lighting units, and perhaps most obviously, lined rectangular tables. As Reuters notes, Apple has already protected aspects of its store design, including a design patent on its glass staircases. Some of Apple's competitors, including Microsoft, have been accused of borrowing elements of its store design.
Armed 'Good Guys' And The Reality Of Facing A Gunman
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As the nation ponders how to stop the next mass shooting, the gun rights movement offers a straight-forward formula, laid out famously by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," LaPierre said last month, as his group responded to the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn.
One Man's Story
In Washington state, one such "good guy" — a private citizen who drew his gun in defense of others — paid a heavy price.
Dan McKown is a comedian. He used to do stand-up, and he has a performer's habit of always being just a little bit "on."
Exxon Valdez, British Petroleum, Oil Spills and Time
The Exxon Valdez spill was in 1989, they still, 21 years later, have not paid the [full] amount awarded in court (a mere $500 million) to those affected and in fact over 8000 people have died while waiting for compensation. Exxon is still in appeals court TODAY. Why would BP act differently?
Back on April 30, CAP’s Dan Weiss wrote, “BP should be required to place its first quarter profit of $5.6 billion in an escrow account” (see “Held up without a gun“). The money would cover claims by those whose livelihoods have been harmed by the disaster and would help pay for quicker action on cleanup.
Some in the UK now claim, “BP’s escrow solution is a dangerous idea.” What’s dangerous is expecting a major oil company to make timely payments. CAP’s Weiss and Susan Lyon explained the sad history of the Exxon Valdez back in May (see the post titled, “Making money on an oil disaster“). Someone clever at Reddit gave the post a flashier headline (above) and it made the front page of that news aggregation site. For those who missed it the first time around, here it is again:
The Exxon Valdez oil accident that slimed Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989 is a chilling reminder of the need for government oversight and corporate accountability.
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