Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obamacare Saves Money

Florida Governor Rick Scott has claimed that Obamacare will cost the state millions of dollars. But now, the first detailed study of the costs show that rather than costing the state money, it will actually save money. $300 million in the first year alone.

Obamacare will be especially important in Florida, where 30% of non-elderly adults are uninsured, compared to 18% nationwide. Plus, the implementation of Obamacare will create 56,000 jobs.
Florida would save money over the next decade — not lose billions as Gov. Rick Scott has argued — by accepting Medicaid expansion under federal healthcare reforms, according to a detailed economic study.
Miami-Dade legislators and healthcare industry leaders, getting together on Monday, heard about the report by Georgetown University — the most positive yet on a highly debated provision of what is often called Obamacare.
Jack Hoadley, a senior researcher with the Georgetown Health Policy Institute, said the study was the first to calculate spin-off savings in other state programs if Florida accepted the expansion, which over the next 10 years could bring $26 billion in federal funds to provide insurance to an estimated 815,000 to 1.3 million Florida residents who are now uninsured.

Read more here:

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